quinta-feira, 29 de abril de 2010

Exercises Reflexives Pronouns and Objects pronouns

Text: How did Machu Picchu Work ?

Studyinig the infrastructure of na Inca site.
When Ruth Wright, a Colorado lawyer, first visited Machu Picchu with her daughters in 1974, she was, like most visitors, “bown away” by the legendary Inca site. But when she returned home, she was puzzled: how did the Inca get a water supply so high up on na Andean Mountain ?
After two decades spent seeking a permit that would allow them to investigate, Wright and her husband, Kenneth, a civil engineer, finally began to study the site’s infrastructure in 1994.They examined the layout of the buildings and how the fountains were designed. They also analyzed the typer of roofs used and what crops the residents grew on the terraces. They ended up with the most detailed map ever made of Machu Picchu, where 16 fountains one flowed and gave invaluable assistance to our own cartographers in producing the supplement map in this issue.
“basically, we´ve studied city planning there” Ruth says. Ken adds:”We´ve studied hydrology, enginneering, how it endured for 500 years without turning into a pile of Rubble.The Inca created a functioning community without a written language, iron and steel, or the Wheel. “ The Wrights surveyed the site again and again, turning up informatio in some cases only after hacking away Forest vegetation that had buried foundations, walls and a trail.
So how did the Inca get their water ? They built a canal to channel water from the natural spring on the mountain, the resulto of fractures in the underlying granite along the Machu Picchu fault.

Text Comprehension.

1) Em 1974, Ruth Wright
a) ajudou as filhas pesquisar sobre os Incas.
b) decidiu que era hora de mudar de profissão.
c) realizou sua primeira pesquisa arqueológica.
d) ficou impressionada com Machu Picchu.

2) Ruth e Kenneth
a) levaram vinte anos para concluir a pesquisa.
b) tinham formação superior na mesma área acadêmica.
c) trabalharam juntos com vistas a um objetivo comum.
d) conseguiram cumprir a tarefa no prazo determinado.

3) Dentre outros itens os pesquisadores investigaram:
a) as roupas dos habitantes
b) os costumes funerários
c) a produção agrícola
d) o tipo de terraço das casas.

4) Os Incas
a) utilizavam o ferro em equipamentos agrícolas
b) deixaram manuscritos sobre seus achados.
c) aproveitaram o recurso hídrico local.
d) construíram paredes de granito.

5) Um fator imprescindível à presença Inca em Machu Picchu foi a
a) adaptação da roda no trasporte da colheita.
b) existência de fraturas subterrâneas naquela região.
c) natureza da organização política da comunidade.
d) resistência dos materiais empregados nas edificações.

Grammar Points
Complete com os pronomes reflexivos adequados:
6) Robert made this T-shirt _______.
a) myself
b) yourself
c) himself
d) herself

7) Lisa did the homework ________.
a) themselves
b) ourselves
c) itself
d) herself

8) We helped _______ to some cola at the party.
a) ourselves
b) yourselves
c) myself
d) themselves

9) Emma, did you take the photo all by _____________?
a) yourself
b) herself
c) himself
d) itself

10) I wrote this poem ______.
a) himself
b) myself
c) yourself
d) themselves.

11) He cut __________ with the knife while he was doing the dishes.
a) herself
b) myself
c) himself
d) ourselves

12) The lion can defend ______.
a) itself
b) myself
c) ourselves
d) yourself

13) My mother often talks to _______.
a) myself
b) himself
c) herself
d) themselves

14) Tim and Gerry, if you want more milk, help yourselves.
a) yourself
b) themselves
c) ourselves
d) yourselves

15) It was extremely loud in class, so Alice and Doris couldn't concentrate ____________.
a) themselves
b) ourselves
c) yourselves
d) itself

Assinale a alternativa que o pronome obliquo substitui os termos sublinhados adequadamente

16) The teacher always gives the students homework.
a) them
b) us
c) me
d) his

17) I am reading the book to my little sister.
a) his
b) its
c) her
d) them

18) The boys are riding their bikes.
a) them
b) his
c) me
d) her

19) My father is writing a letter to John.
a) her
b) him
c) them
d) us

20) I don't know the answer.
a) them
b) it
c) us
d) me

21) Sally is going to Anne.
a) her
b) you
c) me
d) him

22) Open the window, please.
a) me
b) his
c) it
d) them

23) Can you tell the people the way to the airport, please?
a) us
b) him
c) her
d) them

24) The books are for Peter.
a) me
b) her
c) you
d) him

10) Can you help my sister and me, please?
a) us
b) me
c) him
d) them

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